The 4th Bangkok - Shanghai Economic Conference Successfully Held

The 4th Bangkok - Shanghai Economic Conference Successfully Held

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 26 ส.ค. 2564

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 ม.ค. 2567

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          The Royal Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai, in collaboration with the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and the Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board (Invest Shanghai), successfully organized the 4th Bangkok - Shanghai Economic Conference on 24 August 2021 at the Sukhothai Shanghai, under the theme “Synergizing Thailand’s BCG with China’s High-Quality Development: From EEC to YRD”. 



          There were around 60 government officials and business executives shown on-site while over 5,000 people joined live broadcast.



          In her speeches, the Thai Consul-General in Shanghai, Ms. Lada Phumas, elaborated on reasons behind such a timely theme of the event, emphasizing that the national development strategies of Thailand and China can complement with one another and offer more opportunities for more concrete trade and investment cooperation. She expressed views on some specific areas of cooperation and partnerships between Thailand, in particular Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), and the Yangtze River integrated economic region.
11-12 9-10

          泰国外交部次长他尼阁下(H.E. Mr. Thani Thongphakdi)、泰国东部经济走廊特区秘书长堪尼博士(Dr. Kanit Sangsubhan)和泰国投资促进委员会副秘书长那力先生(Mr. Narit Therdsteerasukdi)应邀以政策制定者的角度进行了视频致辞,并提及泰国生态-循环-绿色经济模式(BCG)和东部经济走廊特区(EEC)所蕴含的影响和机遇。会议还强调了有关如何通过BCD经济模式,进一步推进长三角地区和东部经济走廊特区的互联互通,以及BCG经济模式是在目前面临前所未有的挑战的同时,要做到建立一个“更强大、更好”的环境的关键。

          H.E. Mr. Thani Thongphakdi, Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Dr.Kanit Sangsubhan, Secretary-General of the EEC Secretariat of Thailand and Mr.Narit Therdsteerasukdi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Board of Investment (BOI) of Thailand, were invited to address, from policy makers’ perspectives, on implications and opportunities arising from Thailand’s Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy Model and the EEC. Recommendations on how the YRD and EEC can be further connected through the BCG, which is key to a “build back stronger and better” environment while facing unprecedented challenges, were also highlighted.

          会中,与会者们能够获得泰国和中国实际投资的最新信息和经验。Chairat Chanhom 先生作为万浦投资(中国)有限公司的负责人,他与大家分享了绿色产业经济与中国碳中和碳达峰政策所存在的潜在联系;泰中罗勇工业园开发有限公司总裁助理邬丹梅女士与大家分享了其在泰国投资环境和贸易便利化的条件下如何经营公司的经验。

          In the panel, the participants were able to get first hand information and experiences on actual investment in Thailand and China. Mr. Chairat Chanhom, China’s Country Head China of Banpu Public Co., Ltd. shared Banpu’s experiences on green businesses and potential linkages with China’s carbon neutrality goal. Ms. Wu Danmei, Assistant President, Thai -Chinese Rayong Industrial Realty Development Co., Ltd. shared her company experiences of investment environment and trade facilitation in Thailand.



          Mr. Xue Feng, President of Invest Shanghai, introduced roles of Invest Shanghai in promoting two-way investment and in providing comprehensive investment services to enterprises from domestic and abroad. He also provided information on an overview of Chinese investment in the countries in BRI and introduced relevant measures to support foreign investment in Shanghai and YRD.

          泰国投资促进委员会(BOI)驻上海办事处主任钟宝芬女士(Ms. Donlaporn Ajavavarakula)就BOI的鼓励措施和东部经济走廊(EEC)目前的投资状况与大家进行了分享,同时还向大家介绍了赴泰投资在商业和经济方面所存在的潜力,其中包括促进中国投资者在BCG经济模式下关键领域如何投资进行了演讲。

          Ms. Donlaporn Ajavavarakula, Director of Thailand BOI Shanghai Office, shared her views on the current development of BOI incentives and EEC investment platform, as well as economic and business potentials of investing in Thailand, including investment benefits that would facilitate Chinese investors in key BCG areas.



          In the remarks of Ms. Zhu Yi, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, on behalf of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, she highlighted China - Thailand investment cooperation, potential areas of Chinese investment on BCG in Thailand, and roles of RCEP in economic cooperation between China and ASEAN.


          The Yangtze River Delta (YRD) covers Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui. The YRD integration has been key to a more prosperous Thailand - China bilateral relations, particularly on the economic front. 


          This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China and the 30th anniversary of ASEAN - China Dialogue Relations. The 4th Bangkok - Shanghai Economic Conference is part of series of activities the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai organized throughout the year. Other economic and cultural activities were such as webinar on “Digital Yuan and the YRD Strategy: Challenges to Thai Businesses”, Thai Festival in Shanghai 2021, Thai Film Week, and set up of the Content Thailand Pavilion in the Shanghai International Film (SIFF) Market, the Thai Canapé night with the Royal Thai Consulate-General, etc. 
