Consul-General Strengthened STI Cooperation with CAS ICCB

Consul-General Strengthened STI Cooperation with CAS ICCB

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 20 ม.ค. 2566

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 20 ม.ค. 2566

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Consul-General Strengthened STI Cooperation with CAS ICCB

总领事加强STI与CAS ICCB的合作





On 19 January 2023, Ms. Lada Phumas, Consul-General of Thailand in Shanghai, received Dr. Wang Junwei, Executive Director of Chinese Academy of Sciences Innovation Cooperation Center Bangkok (CAS ICCB), at the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai.



双方共同回顾了 2022 年泰中两国在科技创新(STI)合作上的进展,特别是在泰国与长三角地区(YRD)的合作背景下的发展,同时,这也是习近平主席于2022 年 11 月访问泰国时强调的内容。双方还进一步讨论了中科院曼谷创新合作中心2023年的工作计划,旨在推进进一步的互利合作,其中包括:就泰国托克马克-1(TT-1)项目、绿色技术、医学和现代农业等方面促成高层互访和进一步合作。还提出了在东盟和湄澜合作(MLC)框架下深化科技创新合作等内容。

Both sides reviewed the progress of Thailand - China cooperation on science, technology and innovation (STI) in 2022 – especially in the context of Thailand - Yangtze River Delta (YRD) relations – which was reinvigorated by the visit to Thailand of President Xi Jinping in November 2022. They further discussed CAS ICCB’s work plan in 2023 to advance this mutually beneficial cooperation, including the exchange of high-level visits and furthering cooperation on the Thailand Tokamak-1 (TT-1) project, green technology, medical science and modern agriculture, among others. Deepening STI cooperation in the context of ASEAN and Mekong - Lancang Cooperation (MLC) was also raised.




This is an annual meeting that Consulate-General has had with CAS ICCB in the past three years. CAS ICCB was set up in 2017 to promote Thailand - China STI cooperation, with the current office located at Block 28, Building D on the premises of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. It also shares the office with China - Thailand ASEAN Innovation Hub, which was founded in 2020.