Mayor of Shanghai Visited Thailand during 29 April - 2 May 2023

Mayor of Shanghai Visited Thailand during 29 April - 2 May 2023

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 8 พ.ค. 2566

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 18 ม.ค. 2567

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Mayor of Shanghai Visited Thailand during 29 April - 2 May 2023




2023年4月29日至5月2日,上海市人民政府市长阁下龚正先生受泰王国曼谷市长阁下Chadchart Sittipunt先生邀请正式访问泰国。

H.E. Mr. Gong Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai, visited Thailand during 29 April - 2 May 2023 as guest of H.E. Mr. Chadchart Sittipunt, Governor of Bangkok.







2023年5月1日,龚市长与Sittipunt市长进行会见交流。泰国副总理兼外交部长敦·帕玛威奈阁下(Don Pramudwinai)同日为龚市长举行欢迎晚宴,泰国商会主席以及在上海投资的泰国主要公司,即:PTT、盘谷银行和开泰银行相关高管参加了晚宴。本次互动有助于加强泰国-上海和曼谷-上海之间的整体合作,包括贸易和投资、互联互通、绿色智慧城市建设、文化交流和人文交流等方面的内容。

On 1 May 2023, Mayor Gong had an opportunity to exchange with Governor Sittipunt. H.E. Mr. Don Pramudwinai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, hosted a dinner on the same day in honour of Mayor Gong, with the participation of President of Thai Chamber of Commerce as well as executives of major Thai companies investing in Shanghai, namely PTT, Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn Bank. Such interactions have helped strengthen overall cooperation between Thailand - Shanghai and Bangkok - Shanghai, including on trade and investment, connectivity, green and smart city, cultural exchanges and people-to-people contacts.  





本次访问在科学、技术和创新方面的合作也得到了推进。2023年5月1日,龚市长和泰国上议院科学研究与创新委员会主席Kraisid Tontisirin先生见证了泰国科学研究与创新组织(TSRI)和上海市科学技术委员会(STCSM)将在2023年至2026年期间继续开展科技创新合作的备忘录签署。并于中国科学院曼谷创新合作中心(CAS ICCB),共同为由中国科学技术部和上海市人民政府于2016年发起的绿色科技银行首个海外分支机构“绿色技术银行曼谷中心”揭牌。

Cooperation on science, technology and innovation has also been advanced. On 1 May 2023, Mayor Gong and Mr. Kraisid Tontisirin, Senator and Member of the Senate Standing Committee on Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation of Thailand, witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Thailand Science, Research and Innovation (TSRI) and Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM) to renew their cooperation for the period of 2023 - 2026. They also launched the first overseas branch of the Green Technology Bank, initiated by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and Shanghai Municipal People’s Government in 2016, to be located at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Innovation Cooperation Center Bangkok (CAS ICCB). 





Promoting trade, investment and economic cooperation was central to this visit. Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, with the support of the Board of Investment of Thailand, organized the “Invest in Shanghai, Share the Future” Conference in Bangkok on 2 May 2023 to present investment and business opportunities in Shanghai for Thai and foreign investors, which was the first overseas promotion event carried out by Shanghai in 2023. At the signing ceremony of the Conference, 6 cooperation projects between Thailand and Shanghai were announced, covering the fields of finance, EV, jewelry and fruits trade, nuclear medicine and cooperation between relevant authorities and business associations. 







本次访问期间,龚市长还会见了正大集团Charoen Pokphand(CP)和上海华谊集团的相关高管,并参观了上汽集团(SAIC)与正大集团合作在春武里府的MG汽车生产工厂。

During the visit, Mayor Gong also met with the executives of Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group and Huayi Group of Shanghai as well as visited the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) Motor - CP factory in Chonburi Province that have produced MG cars.


Shanghai is a major partner of Thailand in China. In 2022, Thailand - Shanghai trade stood at 12.9 billion US Dollars, accounting for 9.6% of Thailand - China trade. Last year, China was the largest source of FDI applications in Thailand at about 2.3 billion US Dollars, where 43.7% of Chinese FDI or about 1 billion US Dollars came from Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta (YRD).  In addition, Bangkok has been a friendship city with Shanghai since 2016.