Historic Gathering of ASEAN Consul-Generals in Shanghai at the Thai Residence

Historic Gathering of ASEAN Consul-Generals in Shanghai at the Thai Residence

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 26 ส.ค. 2564

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 พ.ย. 2565

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          Ms. Lada Phumas, Consul-General of Thailand in Shanghai, hosted a working dinner for the Consul-Generals of ASEAN countries in Shanghai on 7 July 2021 at her residence.



          东盟各国总领事均参加了此次晚宴,分别是:Neang Samrithkomar先生(柬埔寨)、Deny Wachyudi Kurnia先生(印度尼西亚)、Bouaphat Phoutthavong先生(老挝)、Syed Farizal Aminy bin Syed Mohamad先生(马来西亚)、Josel Francisco Ignacio(菲律宾)、Chua Teng Hoe先生(新加坡)、Ninh Thanh Cong先生(越南)。这是东盟各国驻上海现任总领事首次齐聚,也标志着东盟各国的紧密合作在上海开启了新的篇章。

         The dinner was attended by all the Consul-Generals of ASEAN Countries, namely
Mr. Neang Samrithkomar (Cambodia), Mr. Deny Wachyudi Kurnia (Indonesia), Mr. Bouaphat Phoutthavong (Lao PDR), Mr. Syed Farizal Aminy bin Syed Mohamad (Malaysia), Mr. Josel Francisco Ignacio (the Philippines), Mr. Chua Teng Hoe (Singapore) and Mr. Ninh Thanh Cong (Vietnam). This is the first time that all current ASEAN Consul-Generals in Shanghai could gather together in one place, marking a new beginning for ASEAN solidarity in Shanghai.   





          The Consul-Generals exchange ideas on how to raise the visibility of ASEAN in Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta (YRD) on the special occasion of the 30th anniversary of the ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations this year. It was agreed that special activities be held in August to celebrate the ASEAN Day (8 August) and promote ASEAN’s partnership with local agencies and people in Shanghai and YRD. The meeting was also fruitful to address on how to further strengthen close and cordial cooperation and friendship among all 8 ASEAN Consulate-Generals in Shanghai.   





          In this occasion, Ms. Phumas introduced to ASEAN Consul-Generals the home-made authentic Thai delicacies with their historical backgrounds, nutritious properties, as well as complicated cooking methods which resulted in their unique and refined taste and display.



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