DDG Zhu Yi of SCOFCOM Hosted Farewell Dinner for H.E. Lada Phumas

DDG Zhu Yi of SCOFCOM Hosted Farewell Dinner for H.E. Lada Phumas

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 18 เม.ย. 2566

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 3 ก.ค. 2566

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DDG Zhu Yi of SCOFCOM Hosted Farewell Dinner for H.E. Lada Phumas




On 14 April 2023, Ms. Zhu Yi, Deputy Director-General of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce (SCOFCOM), hosted a farewell dinner for H.E. Ms. Lada Phumas, Ambassador of Thailand to Malaysia and former Consul-General of Thailand in Shanghai. In attendance were also Mr. Sakarn Saensopa, new Commercial Consul of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Shanghai (RTCG), and Mr. Xue Feng, President of Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board (Invest Shanghai).     




Ambassador Lada and Deputy Director-General Zhu expressed appreciation for one another’s support and recognized RTCG’s closer cooperation with SCOFCOM and Invest Shanghai over the past two years during the term of Ambassador Lada in Shanghai. Such cooperation has resulted in the enhanced overall economic partnership between Thailand - Shanghai and Thailand - Yangtze River Delta (YRD), including through actively participating in one another’s activities and co-organizing relevant events such as the annual Bangkok - Shanghai Economic Conference (BSEC).



They also exchanged on ways and means to further promote two-way trade and investment, especially on industries of the future, and Thailand’s participation in the yearly China International Import Expo (CIIE). Both sides reaffirmed their joint determination to carry forward this productive and mutually beneficial relationship. Deputy Director-General Zhu wished Ambassador Lada success in her new assignment.